What on earth happens at a Wellness Retreat?

Life Flow Wellness held it’s first women’s wellness retreat this Spring and 20 brave women enrolled and showed up for 2 1/2 days of the unknown. We heard all kinds of funny comments like, “What is she going to make us do?” “I know I need to go but maybe if I delay it will sell out.” In the end, they came. They event did sell out, and everyone that was supposed to come, CAME.

The mission, should they care to accept it was to live for 2+ days like I live and love my life. We were to immerse ourselves in movement, sacred food, nature, tribe, and mind healing…all of which added together spell FREEDOM. As we age we get pretty stuck in our ways. Our old ways are comfortable and safe and known. Hence, we are hesitant to stray too far from them. What if we break something? Strain something? Get cold? Get dirty? Don’t know what to do? Look funny? Not fit in? Yes…I bet you recognize at least some parts of your mind there as well.

we used nature to inspire us and build our muscles and expand our lungs. All fitness levels could participate. We had comments like, “I haven’t felt this alive in years!”

What was the one thing every single one of these women had in common? Their nervous systems were looping in a state of chronic tension. Their internal stories were varied, but the result was the same… they are left NOT in a state of Rest and Digest and Heal and Calm but instead in a state of Tension, Fear, Anxiety, Scanning, Unsafety. And we learned how to reset that. Why does this matter? Aging and disease (really the same thing) are created way sooner than they need to be if we can not turn off this looping. It is the basis for all of our body breakdown. So we learned the secrets to resetting that whole system. They got to practice, and laugh, and realize they aren’t alone in this pattern.

The amazing thing I have discovered in the week since the event is what the aftermath has been for these ladies. I didn’t expect this. I have heard from most of them privately and they are changing the way they live. And it is from a new place of self-respect and self support rather than a disciplinary place. It is natural and feels organic and right…not forced and hard. It is delightful to know you have support, and aren’t alone. I am happily tired and full after this event and can’t wait to do it again.

The sand shovel… an old fashioned full body exercise!


the love letter


Who are you?